filename : Mue05.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : SIGGRAPH 2005, Los Angeles, USA, 31 July - 4 August, 2005 pages : 471-478 year : 2005 month : July title : Meshless Deformations Based on Shape Matching subtitle : author : Matthias Müller, Bruno Heidelberger, Matthias Teschner, Markus Gross booktitle : ACM Transactions on Graphics, Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 2005 (Conference Issue) ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : ACM Press / ACM SIGGRAPH : volume : issue : language : English keywords : deformable modeling, geometric deformation, shape matching, real-time simulation abstract : We present a new approach for simulating deformable objects. The underlying model is geometrically motivated. It handles point-based objects and does not need connectivity information. The approach does not require any pre-processing, is simple to compute, and provides unconditionally stable dynamic simulations. The main idea of our deformable model is to replace energies by geometric constraints and forces by distances of current positions to goal positions. These goal positions are determined via a generalized shape matching of an undeformed rest state with the current deformed state of the point cloud. Since points are always drawn towards well- defined locations, the overshooting problem of explicit integration schemes is eliminated. The versatility of the approach in terms of object representations that can be handled, the efficiency in terms of memory and computational complexity, and the unconditional stability of the dynamic simulation make the approach particularly interesting for games.