filename : Sad06.pdf entry : article conference : IEEE Vis 2006, Baltimore Maryland, USA, October 29 - November 3, 2006 pages : 949 - 956 year : 2006 month : October title : Visualization Tools for Vorticity Transport Analysis in Incompressible Flow subtitle : author : Filip Sadlo, Ronald Peikert, Mirjam Sick booktitle : IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2006) ISSN/ISBN : ISSN 1077-2626 editor : Eduard Groeller, Alex Pang, Claudio T. Silva, John Stasko, Jarke van Wijk publisher : IEEE Computer Society Press : volume : 12 issue : 5 language : English keywords : Flow visualization, vorticity transport, unsteady flow, linked views. abstract : Vortices are undesirable in many applications while indispensable in others. It is therefore of common interest to understand their mechanisms of creation. This paper aims at analyzing the transport of vorticity inside incompressible flow. The analysis is based on the vorticity equation and is performed along pathlines which are typically started in upstream direction from vortex regions. Different methods for the quantitative and explorative analysis of vorticity transport are presented and applied to CFD simulations of water turbines. Simulation quality is accounted for by including the errors of meshing and convergence into analysis and visualization. The obtained results are discussed and interpretations with respect to engineering questions are given.