filename : Sad07b.pdf entry : article conference : IEEE Vis 2007, Sacramento California, USA, October 28 - November 1, 2007 pages : 1456 - 1463 year : 2007 month : October title : Efficient Visualization of Lagrangian Coherent Structures by Filtered AMR Ridge Extraction subtitle : author : Filip Sadlo, Ronald Peikert booktitle : IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (Proceedings Visualization / Information Visualization 2007) ISSN/ISBN : ISSN 1077-2626 editor : Min Chen, Chuck Hansen, Chris North, Alex Pang, Jarke van Wijk publisher : IEEE Computer Society Press : volume : 13 issue : 6 language : English keywords : Ridge extraction, flow visualization, coherent structures, vector field topology, unsteady vector fields. abstract : This paper presents a method for filtered ridge extraction based on adaptive mesh refinement. It is applicable in situations where the underlying scalar field can be refined during ridge extraction. This requirement is met by the concept of Lagrangian coherent structures which is based on trajectories started at arbitrary sampling grids that are independent of the underlying vector field. The Lagrangian coherent structures are extracted as ridges in finite Lyapunov exponent fields computed from these grids of trajectories. The method is applied to several variants of finite Lyapunov exponents, one of which is newly introduced. High computation time due to the high number of required trajectories is a main drawback when computing Lyapunov exponents of 3-dimensional vector fields. The presented method allows a substantial speed-up by avoiding the seeding of trajectories in regions where no ridges are present or do not satisfy the prescribed filter criteria such as a minimum finite Lyapunov exponent.