filename : Park09.pdf entry : article conference : pages : 749-766 year : 2009 month : August title : Fast and automatic object pose estimation for range images on the GPU subtitle : author : In Kyu Park, Marcel Germann, Michael D. Breitenstein, Hanspeter Pfister booktitle : Machine Vision and Applications ISSN/ISBN : 0932-8092 (Print) 1432-1769 (Online) editor : Helmut Petri publisher : Springer : Berlin / Heidelberg volume : 21 issue : 5 language : english keywords : Object pose estimation - Bin picking - Range image processing - General purpose GPU programming - Iterative closest point - Euclidean distance transform - Downhill simplex - CUDA abstract : We present a pose estimation method for rigid objects from single range images. Using 3D models of the objects, many pose hypotheses are compared in a data-parallel version of the downhill simplex algorithm with an image-based error function. The pose hypothesis with the lowest error value yields the pose estimation (location and orientation), which is refined using ICP. The algorithm is designed especially for implementation on the GPU. It is completely automatic, fast, robust to occlusion and cluttered scenes, and scales with the number of different object types. We apply the system to bin picking, and evaluate it on cluttered scenes. Comprehensive experiments on challenging synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.