filename : Ran14a.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXV, San Francisco, USA, 3-6 February 2014 pages : 90111D year : 2014 month : March title : Vision-based calibration of parallax barrier displays subtitle : author : N. Ranieri, M. Gross booktitle : Proc. SPIE. 9011 ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : SPIE : United States volume : 9011 issue : language : english keywords : parallax barrier display; calibration; computer vision; hardware accelerated; GPU implementation abstract : Static and dynamic parallax barrier displays became very popular over the past years. Especially for single viewer applications like tablets, phones and other hand-held devices, parallax barriers provide a convenient solution to render stereoscopic content. In our work we present a computer vision based calibration approach to relate image layer and barrier layer of parallax barrier displays with unknown display geometry for static or dynamic viewer positions using homographies. We provide the math and methods to compose the required homographies on the fly and present a way to compute the barrier without the need of any iteration. Our GPU implementation is stable and general and can be used to reduce latency and increase refresh rate of existing and upcoming barrier methods.