filename : HelmingerEtAl2018.pdf entry : article conference : AABI, Montreal, Canada, 2. December, 2018 pages : year : month : title : Disentangled Dynamic Representations from Unordered Data subtitle : author : Leonhard Helminger, Abdelaziz Djelouah, Markus Gross, Romann M. Weber booktitle : ISSN/ISBN : editor : publisher : : volume : issue : language : keywords : Approximate Inference, abstract : We present a deep generative model that learns disentangled static and dynamic representations of data from unordered input. Our approach exploits regularities in sequential data that exist regardless of the order in which the data is viewed. The result of our factorized graphical model is a well-organized and coherent latent space for data dynamics. We demonstrate our method on several synthetic dynamic datasets and real video data featuring various facial expressions and head poses.