filename : Zhan23a.pdf entry : inproceedings conference : Eurographics Symposium on Rendering, Industry Track pages : year : 2023 month : June title : Deep Compositional Denoising on Frame Sequences subtitle : author : Xianyao Zhang, Gerhard Roethlin, Marco Manzi, Markus Gross, Marios Papas booktitle : ISSN/ISBN : editor : Tobias Ritschel and Andrea Weidlich publisher : The Eurographics Association : Eurographics Digital Library volume : issue : language : English keywords : Denoising, Ray tracing, Neural Networks abstract : We propose a novel extension for processing frame sequences that provides context from neighboring frames while avoiding redundant computation and a novel quantization approach that reduces the memory overhead without introducing artifacts. Our method achieves a significant improvement in denoising quality over KPAL and ameliorates temporal denoising artifacts from the single-frame approach. This enables the use of the compositional denoiser in production settings.