Project Overview
The goal of the project creaZoo [kri'su] at the computer graphics laboratory
at ETH Zurich is to model the behavior of simple (and maybe more sophisticated) creatures.
The project started in 2001 and up to now, we have implemented a simulation environment with many features. Our system supports a large number
(up to several hundred) autonomous agents with reactive and proactive behavior in a dynamic real-time environment.
Additionally, we can easily combine existing behavior patterns to new ones in order to create more sophisticated behavior out of simple ones.
Easy group building with hierarchical organizations are used to create collective behavior such as herding or flocking.
The system provides a level-of-detail approach for beahvior simulation that does not neglect invisible characters. Additionally, we use the hierarchies
within groups of agents to break down the complexity of the behavior simulation in order to increase speed and the reactivity of each character.
Currently, our primary research focuses on the integration of goal-oriented behavior in addition to the existing reactive behavior.
Compared to reactive behavior which only takes the current state into account, goal-oriented behavior enables the agents to consider
future states and to decide with respect to given goals.
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