Nori  23
PointKDTree< _NodeType > Member List

This is the complete list of members for PointKDTree< _NodeType >, including all inherited members.

Balanced enum valuePointKDTree< _NodeType >
BoundingBoxType typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
build(bool recomputeBoundingBox=false)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
build(size_t depth, typename std::vector< IndexType >::iterator base, typename std::vector< IndexType >::iterator rangeStart, typename std::vector< IndexType >::iterator rangeEnd)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inlineprotected
capacity() constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
clear()PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
Dimension enum value (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
getBoundingBox() constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
getDepth() constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
hasRightChild(IndexType index) constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inlineprotected
Heuristic enum namePointKDTree< _NodeType >
IndexType typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
m_bbox (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >protected
m_depth (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >protected
m_heuristic (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >protected
m_nodes (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >protected
nnSearch(const PointType &p, float &_sqrSearchRadius, size_t k, SearchResult *results) constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
nnSearch(const PointType &p, size_t k, SearchResult *results) constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
NodeType typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
operator[](size_t idx)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
operator[](size_t idx) constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
PointKDTree(size_t nodes=0, Heuristic heuristic=SlidingMidpoint)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
PointType typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
push_back(const NodeType &node)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
reserve(size_t size)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
resize(size_t size)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
Scalar typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >
search(const PointType &p, float searchRadius, std::vector< IndexType > &results) constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
setBoundingBox(const BoundingBoxType &bbox)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
setDepth(size_t depth)PointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
size() constPointKDTree< _NodeType >inline
SlidingMidpoint enum valuePointKDTree< _NodeType >
VectorType typedef (defined in PointKDTree< _NodeType >)PointKDTree< _NodeType >