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Libwindow - a small X11-library for Info1

This is a short and probably incomplete description of Libwindow, a small library which aims to present an easy C++ interface to the X11 window system. If you want to use the library in your program, do not forget the following include directive.

#include <ifmwindow>

The Window Class

A default Window

IfmWindow wio;

wio can be used whenever one default IfmWindow suffices. It is a so called proxy, i.e. the corresponding X-window and graphic context are created, when wio is used the first time. Consequently, if wio is not used anywhere, this creation happens never and no window will appear.

What can be drawn (IfmDrawable)

Here is a list of classes/objects that can be drawn into an IfmWindow using the operator <<.

What can be read (IfmGetable)

Here is a list of classes/objects that can be read from an IfmWindow using the operator >>.

Point, Line, Rectangle, FilledRectangle, Circle, FilledCircle, Ellipse and FilledEllipse.

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Michael Hoffmann. Mon, October 7, 2002.