CArcball | |
CAreaEmitter | |
CBins | |
CBitmap | Stores a RGB high dynamic-range bitmap |
CBlockGenerator | Spiraling block generator |
CBoxFilter | Box filter – fastest, but prone to aliasing |
CBSDF | Superclass of all bidirectional scattering distribution functions |
CBSDFQueryRecord | Convenience data structure used to pass multiple parameters to the evaluation and sampling routines in BSDF |
▼CBVH | Bounding Volume Hierarchy for fast ray intersection queries |
CBVHNode | |
CBVHBuildTask | Build task for parallel BVH construction |
CCamera | Generic camera interface |
CCheckerboard | |
CChiSquareTest | Statistical test for validating that an importance sampling routine (e.g. from a BSDF) produces a distribution that agrees with what the implementation claims via its associated density function |
CColor3f | Represents a linear RGB color value |
CColor4f | Represents a linear RGB color and a weight |
CConstantTexture | |
CDielectric | Ideal dielectric BSDF |
CDiffuse | Diffuse / Lambertian BRDF model |
CDiscretePDF | Discrete probability distribution |
CEmitter | Superclass of all emitters |
CEmitterQueryRecord | Data record for conveniently querying and sampling the direct illumination technique implemented by a emitter |
CFrame | Stores a three-dimensional orthonormal coordinate frame |
CGaussianFilter | |
CGenericKDTreeNode | Simple kd-tree node data structure for use with PointKDTree |
CImageBlock | Weighted pixel storage for a rectangular subregion of an image |
CIndependent | |
CIntegrator | Abstract integrator (i.e. a rendering technique) |
CIntersection | Intersection data structure |
CMesh | Triangle mesh |
CMicrofacet | |
CMirror | Ideal mirror BRDF |
CMitchellNetravaliFilter | |
CNoriCanvas | |
CNoriException | Simple exception class, which stores a human-readable error description |
CNoriObject | Base class of all objects |
CNoriObjectFactory | Factory for Nori objects |
CNoriScreen | |
CNormal3f | 3-dimensional surface normal representation |
CPerspectiveCamera | Perspective camera with depth of field |
CPhoton | A Photon which also doubles as a kd-tree node for use with PointKDTree |
CPhotonData | Stores the direction and power of a photon as "payload" of a generic kd-tree node (see kdtree.h) |
CPhotonMapper | |
▼CPointKDTree | Generic multi-dimensional kd-tree data structure for point data |
CSearchResult | Result data type for k-nn queries |
CPropertyList | This is an associative container used to supply the constructors of NoriObject subclasses with parameter information |
CReconstructionFilter | Generic radially symmetric image reconstruction filter |
CRenderThread | |
CSampler | Abstract sample generator |
CScene | Main scene data structure |
CShape | Superclass of all shapes |
CShapeQueryRecord | Data record for conveniently querying and sampling the a point on a shape |
CSphere | |
CStudentsTTest | |
CTBoundingBox | Generic n-dimensional bounding box data structure |
CTentFilter | Tent filter |
CTexture | Superclass of all texture |
CTimer | Simple timer with millisecond precision |
CTPoint | Generic N-dimensional point data structure based on Eigen::Matrix |
CTransform | Homogeneous coordinate transformation |
CTRay | Simple n-dimensional ray segment data structure |
CTVector | Generic N-dimensional vector data structure based on Eigen::Matrix |
CWarp | A collection of useful warping functions for importance sampling |
CWarpTest | |
CWarpTestScreen | |
▼CWavefrontOBJ | Loader for Wavefront OBJ triangle meshes |
COBJVertex | Vertex indices used by the OBJ format |
COBJVertexHash | Hash function for OBJVertex |