Nori  23
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CBitmapStores a RGB high dynamic-range bitmap
 CImageBlockWeighted pixel storage for a rectangular subregion of an image
 CColor3fRepresents a linear RGB color value
 CColor4fRepresents a linear RGB color and a weight
 CBlockGeneratorSpiraling block generator
 CBSDFQueryRecordConvenience data structure used to pass multiple parameters to the evaluation and sampling routines in BSDF
 CBVHBounding Volume Hierarchy for fast ray intersection queries
 CDiscretePDFDiscrete probability distribution
 CEmitterQueryRecordData record for conveniently querying and sampling the direct illumination technique implemented by a emitter
 CFrameStores a three-dimensional orthonormal coordinate frame
 CGenericKDTreeNode< _PointType, _DataRecord >Simple kd-tree node data structure for use with PointKDTree
 CGenericKDTreeNode< Point3f, PhotonData >
 CPhotonA Photon which also doubles as a kd-tree node for use with PointKDTree
 CIntersectionIntersection data structure
 CTPoint< float, 3 >
 CTPoint< float, 2 >
 CTPoint< int, 2 >
 CTVector< float, 3 >
 CTVector< float, 2 >
 CTVector< int, 2 >
 CNormal3f3-dimensional surface normal representation
 CTPoint< _Scalar, _Dimension >Generic N-dimensional point data structure based on Eigen::Matrix
 CTVector< _Scalar, _Dimension >Generic N-dimensional vector data structure based on Eigen::Matrix
 CNoriObjectBase class of all objects
 CTexture< Color3f >
 CBSDFSuperclass of all bidirectional scattering distribution functions
 CDielectricIdeal dielectric BSDF
 CDiffuseDiffuse / Lambertian BRDF model
 CMirrorIdeal mirror BRDF
 CCameraGeneric camera interface
 CPerspectiveCameraPerspective camera with depth of field
 CChiSquareTestStatistical test for validating that an importance sampling routine (e.g. from a BSDF) produces a distribution that agrees with what the implementation claims via its associated density function
 CEmitterSuperclass of all emitters
 CIntegratorAbstract integrator (i.e. a rendering technique)
 CReconstructionFilterGeneric radially symmetric image reconstruction filter
 CBoxFilterBox filter – fastest, but prone to aliasing
 CTentFilterTent filter
 CSamplerAbstract sample generator
 CSceneMain scene data structure
 CShapeSuperclass of all shapes
 CMeshTriangle mesh
 CWavefrontOBJLoader for Wavefront OBJ triangle meshes
 CTexture< T >Superclass of all texture
 CCheckerboard< T >
 CConstantTexture< T >
 CNoriObjectFactoryFactory for Nori objects
 CWavefrontOBJ::OBJVertexVertex indices used by the OBJ format
 CWavefrontOBJ::OBJVertexHashHash function for OBJVertex
 CPhotonDataStores the direction and power of a photon as "payload" of a generic kd-tree node (see kdtree.h)
 CPointKDTree< _NodeType >Generic multi-dimensional kd-tree data structure for point data
 CPropertyListThis is an associative container used to supply the constructors of NoriObject subclasses with parameter information
 CNoriExceptionSimple exception class, which stores a human-readable error description
 CPointKDTree< _NodeType >::SearchResultResult data type for k-nn queries
 CShapeQueryRecordData record for conveniently querying and sampling the a point on a shape
 CBVHBuildTaskBuild task for parallel BVH construction
 CTBoundingBox< _PointType >Generic n-dimensional bounding box data structure
 CTBoundingBox< Point3f >
 CTBoundingBox< PointType >
 CTimerSimple timer with millisecond precision
 CTransformHomogeneous coordinate transformation
 CTRay< _PointType, _VectorType >Simple n-dimensional ray segment data structure
 CTRay< Point3f, Vector3f >
 CWarpA collection of useful warping functions for importance sampling