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Filled Ellipses (FilledEllipse)

FilledEllipse e ( int x, int y, int w, int h);
Creates a filled ellipse with center (x, y), width 2 · w and height 2 · h.

int e.x () Returns center's x-coordinate.
int e.y () Returns center's y-coordinate.
int e.w () Returns half the width of e.
int e.h () Returns half the height of e.


The following code draws a filled ellipse with center (100, 100), width 80 and height 50. Then it waits for a mouseclick to finish.

#include <ifmwindow>

int main()
    wio << FilledEllipse(100, 100, 80, 50) << flush;

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Michael Hoffmann. Mon, October 7, 2002.