Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Controllable Inversion of Black-Box Face Recognition Models via Diffusion

M. Kansy, A. Raël, G. Mignone, J. Naruniec, C. Schroers, M. Gross, R. M. Weber

Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) Workshops (Paris, France, October 02-06, 2023), pp. 3159-3169


Face recognition models embed a face image into a low-dimensional identity vector containing abstract encodings of identity-specific facial features that allow individuals to be distinguished from one another. We tackle the challenging task of inverting the latent space of pre-trained face recognition models without full model access (i.e. black-box setting). A variety of methods have been proposed in literature for this task, but they have serious shortcomings such as a lack of realistic outputs and strong requirements for the data set and accessibility of the face recognition model. By analyzing the black-box inversion problem, we show that the conditional diffusion model loss naturally emerges and that we can effectively sample from the inverse distribution even without an identity-specific loss. Our method, named identity denoising diffusion probabilistic model (ID3PM), leverages the stochastic nature of the denoising diffusion process to produce high-quality, identity-preserving face images with various backgrounds, lighting, poses, and expressions. We demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in terms of identity preservation and diversity both qualitatively and quantitatively, and our method is the first black-box face recognition model inversion method that offers intuitive control over the generation process.


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