Glasses-free 3D displays have experienced a major renaissance in the past few years.
In general, these displays can be divided into two main categories: parallax-based displays and volumetric displays.
Parallax-based approaches such as integral imaging and parallax barriers redirect spatially varying pixels onto different viewing directions.
These approaches trade off spatial resolution in favor of angular resolution, which directly relates to the depth range that can be displayed without aliasing.
Though being capable of view dependent effects and proper occlusions, these devices often exhibit low spatial or angular resolution and lack correct accommodation cues.
Volumetric displays, on the other hand, physically deploy light-emitting voxels in 3D space and provide a direct and natural approximation of the input scene.
They provide correct accommodation cues but are, with few exceptions, not capable of providing proper occlusions or view dependent effects.
As alternative, multi-planar displays have been suggested to provide natural ways to show 3D scenes at nearly correct accommodation cues with increased display bandwidth and hence higher angular and spatial resolution.
In essence, these displays combine parallax and volumetric displays and draw benefits from both.
In our work, we generalize these concepts to multi-planar plenoptic displays by defining basic display layer primitives, consisting of emissive and modulating layers.
We demonstrate several examples for both the spatially and temporally multiplexed setups. Figure 1 shows all steps of our algorithm. Figure 2 shows real results displayed on the spatially multiplexed prototype with visible parallax between the two views. Our displays are quite unique since an observer is provided with accommodation cues, visible in Figure 3, as well as binocular cues and motion parallax. In addition to this, view-dependent effects can be observed clearly and they add to the depth perception. We believe that the superimposed spatial modulator does not significantly influence the accommodation cues.