The files for the exercises will be made available throughout the course.
07.04. Differential geometry, Solution, Maple Solution
14.04. Bezier curves, Solution
21.04. B-Spline curves,
Student Solution &
B-Spline bases Maple Sheet
28.04. Introduction of how to read scientific (computer graphics) papers
12.05. Garland, Heckbert: Surface Simplification using Quadric Error Metrics, SIGGRAPH 1997. Assignment
19.05. Implementation: Surface Simplification using Quadric Error Metrics,
Framework, Solution
26.05. Alliez et al: Interactive Geometry Remeshing, SIGGRAPH 2002. Assignment
02.06. DeRose et al: Subdivision surfaces in character animation, SIGGRAPH 1998. Assignment
09.06. Subdivision Solution
16.06. Sorkine et al: Laplacian surface editing. Eurographics Symposium on Geometry Processing 04
Please summarize the content of the lecture in one or two pages. Put particular emphasis
on the connnection of the different parts, e.g., how splines are connected to subdivision, or
how parameterization and decimation are used in multi-resolution techniques, etc..
An annotated dependency graph might be a good way of illustrating the course structure.
Please submit your solutions by Tuesday evening to Richard, so that in the final excercise session we
can discuss these issues.
For "testat" all theoretical and practical exercises have to be handed in. Note that ETH diploma and master students do not need a "testat".