Computer Graphics Laboratory

Surface Representations and Geometric Modeling (SS 05) - Course Notes

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Slides Slides | Additional Material | References | Links

Important: These slides were generated as course documentation only. They contain images with unknown copyright. Therefore, the slides are provided exclusively for students attending the course to study the course material. Please do neither copy nor distribute these documents.

  1. Introduction
    Intro: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
    Math Background: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
    Transfinite Modeling Methods: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  2. Differential Geometry [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  3. Bezier Curves
    Slides: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page] [PDF: 4 Slides/Page]
    Java Applets: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
    OpenGL Examples: [Bezier Curves] [Bezier Surfaces] [GLUT Library]
  4. B-Spline Curves
    Slides: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page] [PDF: 4 Slides/Page]
    Java Applets: [1] [2] [3] [4]
  5. Tensor Product Surfaces
    Slides: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page] [PDF: 4 Slides/Page]
  6. Rational Curves
    Slides: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page] [PDF: 4 Slides/Page]
  7. Triangular Surfaces
    Slides: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page] [PDF: 4 Slides/Page]
    Maple Worksheet Bernstein Polynomials over Triangles: [MWS]
  8. Triangle Meshes I
    Intro: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
    Datastructures: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page], [PowerPoint Slides]
    Decimation I: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
    ProgressiveMeshes: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  9. Fairing: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  10. Parameterization: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  11. Subdivision I: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  12. Subdivision II: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  13. Multiresolution Modeling: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  14. Implicit Surfaces: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]
  15. Point Set Surfaces: [PDF: 6 Slides/Page]

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Additional Material Slides | Additional Material | References | Links

  • MeshDemo: Program to demonstrate processing techniques for triangle meshes presented in the course. Based on OpenMesh, written by Michael Sauter and Christian Sigg.

    - Binary and models [zip, 6.4MB]
    - Documentation [pdf, 4.1MB]
    - Source Code [zip, 20.2MB]
References Slides | Additional Material | References | Links

  • M. P. Do Carmo: Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0132125897.
  • Markus Gross: Graphische Datenverarbeitung. Skript zur Vorlesung, ETH Zürich.
  • Subdivision for Modeling and Animation, SIGGRAPH 2000 course.
  • G. Farin, J. Hoschek, M.S. Kim (editors): Handbook of Computer Aided Geometric Design, North-Holland, 2002.
  • J. Warren, H. Weimer: Subdivision methods for geometric design : a constructive approach, 2002.
  • M. Agoston: Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, Vol. 1 + 2, 2005.
Links Slides | Additional Material | References | Links