Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Surface Representations and Geometric Modeling (SS 06) - Home

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Surface Representations and Geometric Modeling (SS06)


ETH Applied Geometry Group Research Discussion and Students Projects presentation slides are online:
[PDF: 6 Slides/Page], [PDF: 1 Slide/Page]

Course Topics

Recent advances in 3D digital geometry processing have created a plenitude of novel concepts for the mathematical representation and interactive manipulation of graphics models. This course covers some of the latest developments in geometric modeling and surface representations. The first part of the course will discuss traditional methods, such as splines and NURBS, and will introduce the basic notions of differential geometry. The second part of the course will address more recent developments in digital geometry processing. Topics include Bezier-curves and B-Splines, Polynomial Surfaces, Triangle Meshes, Subdivision Schemes, Mesh Fairing and Digital Geometry Processing, Wavelets, Point based methods.
This course is an integral part of the new major on visual computing.

Course Objectives

After attending this course, you should be able to:
  • define and relate the basic concepts, tools, and algorithms in geometric modeling and digital surface processing
  • critically analyze and assess current research on surface representations and geometric modeling with the intent to apply the proposed methods in your own work.
  • implement individual components of a geometric modeling system


The objectives of the course are reflected in three types of assignments:
  • Pen-and-paper exercises help to revise the presented material by applying the core concepts to small theoretical problems.
  • Reading assignments will strengthen the ability to critically analyze scientific research papers. You are expected to read the papers and write a short summary report according to criteria that we will discuss in class. A group discussion on each paper will help to develop your argumentative skills on scientific topics.
  • Programming assignments will help you translate theoretical concepts to practical applications. A code framework will be provided that allows you to experiment with various algorithms without having to bother about software infrastructure.


Introduction to Computer Graphics (GDV I). Some background in geometry or computational geometry is helpful, but not necessary.


Prof. Dr. Mark Pauly
IFW C 26.2

Dr. Robert Sumner
IFW D 28.1

Administration Description




Prof. Dr. Mark Pauly
Dr. Robert Sumner


Richard Keiser (, Michael Eigensatz, Hao Li


Course: Do 14-16, RZ F 21
Exercises: Do 16-17, RZ F 21

Credit points

Diploma Students ETH: 5 (including exam)
Ph.D. students ETH: 3 (attendance) or 4 (including exam)
Ph.D. students University of Zurich: 3 (attendance) or 4 (including exam)