Computer Graphics Laboratory

Surface Representations and Geometric Modeling (SS 06) - Exercises

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The files for the exercises will be made available throughout the course.


13.04.   Differential Geometry & Bezier Curves

20.04.   B-Spline & Bezier Curves
Student Tutorial and matlab files

04.05.   Garland & Heckbert: Surface Simplification Using Quadric Error Metrics
Task: Compile the viewer and test it with the obj files

11.05.   Programming Exercise "Quadric Error Metrics"

18.05.   Reading Assignment: Parameterization
Read Surface Parameterization: a Tutorial and Survey to answer the questions.

01.06.   Reading Assignment: Subdivision Surfaces in Character Animation

08.06.   B-Spline Subdivision

15.06.   Reading Assignment: Modeling with Implicit Surfaces that Interpolate

22.06.   Programming Exercise "As-Rigid-As-Possible Shape Interpolation"
Additional Material: Paper, Object Files.


For "testat" all theoretical and practical exercises have to be handed in. Note that ETH diploma and master students do not need a "testat".