Computer Graphics Laboratory

Game Programming Laboratory (SS 07) - Exercises

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Assignments and Reading

Project Structure:

  • B1: Introduction to Game Development by S. Rabin (Ed.), Charles-River Media 2005
  • B2: Game Design Workshop by T. Fullerton, C. Swain and S. Hoffman, Macgraw-Hill 2004

20.03.2007 Assignment: Detailed proposal draft (1 week)
Reading: Project management (Chapter 13, B2)
Slides: [1 slide/page] [4 slides/page]
27.03.2007 Assignment: Final proposal (1 week)
Reading: to be announced
03.04.2007 Assignment: Mutual project review []
10.04.2007 Assignment: Design specification (1 week)
Slides: [1 slide/page]
Lab: Aspects of C# [exercise sheet]
17.04.2007 Assignment: Interim report (due May 15)
24.04.2007 Reading: Game AI (Chapter 5.3, B1)
08.05.2007 Reading: Path Finding (Chapter 5.4, B1)
15.05.2007 Assignment: Alpha release of the game (due June 05)
22.05.2007 Reading: Understanding the game industry (Chapter 15, B2)
29.05.2007 Assignment: to be announced
05.06.2007 Assignment: Play test (due June 12)
12.06.2007 Assignment: Preparation of Public Demo (due June 19)


This is the list of student game projects for this semester:

Project Team members Supervision
1) Battle Balls
Daniel Egger
Benjamin Berger
Matthias Bühlmann
Prof. M. Gross
2) Gravity Bound
Henning Avenhaus
Benjamin Schindler
Basiel Fierz
B. Sumner
3) Parasite Paradise
Severin Obertüfer
Johanna Wolf
Daniel Wolfertshofer
N. Thuerey
4) Speed Thugs
Pascal Rota
Jens Puwein
N. Thuerey
5) Titor's Equilibrium
Marino Alge
Gioacchino Noris
Alessandro Rigazzi
S. Heinzle
6) S.P.H.E.R.E.S.
Theodor Mader
Roni Oeschger
Thomas Oskam
B. Sumner
7) T.B.D.
Tyler Brandt
Jackey Kim
Rolf Weilenmann
S. Heinzle