Computer Graphics Laboratory

Advanced Image Synthesis - Course Notes

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Image-Based Rendering

Image Cutout and Matting

Image Completion

  • Michal Zmiri-Yaniv, Moshe Ofry, Ami Bruker, Tal Hassner. ImageCompletion.

Video Editing

Point-Based Rendering

Acceleration Algorithms

Ray Tracing


Mandatory readings are indicated by bold titles. The other literature provides further information.

Basic Text Books

Image-Based Rendering

Video-Based Rendering

Image Cutout and Matting

Poisson Image Editing (not an official lecture topic)

Image Completion

Video Editing

Point-Based Rendering

Graphics Architectures

Graphics Pipeline Optimization

  • Thomas Akenine-Möller, Eric Haines. Real-time Rendering. Chapter 10: Pipeline Optimization. A.K. Peters Ltd., 2nd edition, ISBN 1568811829.

Acceleration Algorithms

Ray Tracing

Appearance Models (new)