Computer Graphics Laboratory

Advanced Image Synthesis (SS 06) - Schedule

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Topic Date Lecturer
1. Image-based rendering: image warping and plenoptic function 04.04.2006 Würmlin
2. Light fields, lumigraph and visual hull 11.04.2006 Würmlin
3. Video-based rendering 18.04.2006 Würmlin
4. Image cutout and matting 25.04.2006 Waschbüsch
5. Image completion 02.05.2006 Würmlin
6. Video editing: cutout and compositing 09.05.2006 Würmlin
7. Point-based rendering 16.05.2006 Gross
8. Graphics architectures 23.05.2006 Gross
9. Graphics pipeline optimization 30.05.2006 Würmlin
10. Acceleration algorithms 06.06.2006 Gross
11. Acceleration algorithms
The rendering equation, ray tracing
13.06.2006 Gross
12. The rendering equation, ray tracing 20.06.2006 Gross
13. Appearance models, BRDF 27.06.2006 Würmlin
14. Student project presentations 04.07.2006 all