Computer Graphics Laboratory

Informatik 1 (D-ITET) (WS 03/04) - Schedule

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Schedule Informatik 1 (D-ITET) (WS 2003/04)

Topic Lecture
Exercise (Monday)
Handout Submission
Introduction to Programming 22.10.2003  
Introduction to Unix 27.10.2003 27.10.2003 No submission
Datatypes and Variables I 29.10.2003 3.11.2003 10.11.2003
Datatypes and Variables II 5.11.2003 10.11.2003 17.11.2003
Branching Statements and Logical Operators 12.11.2003 17.11.2003 24.11.2003
Arrays and Structs 19.11.2003 24.11.2003 1.12.2003
Control Flow 26.11.2003 1.12.2003 8.12.2003
Pointers I 3.12.2003 8.12.2003 15.12.2003
Pointers II 10.12.2003 15.12.2003 5.1.2004
Functions I and File I/O 17.12.2003 5.1.2004 12.1.2004
Functions II 7.1.2004 12.1.2004 19.1.2004
Classes I 14.1.2004 19.1.2004 26.1.2004
Classes II 21.1.2004 26.1.2004 2.2.2004
Inheritance 28.1.2004 2.2.2004
Miniproject Awards 4.2.2004  

Mini Project

Presentation: November 5th, 2003, during the lecture
Submission: Until January 30th, 2004
Awards: February 4th, 2004