In addition to the weekly exercises, there is a small programming project. The project has to be completed until
February 1st, 2005. The project adds up to 110 points to the attestation. It will be assigned on November 2th, 2005.
A detailed project description is available as PDF.
Furthermore, the introductory slides presented in class are available as PDF.
The project uses a given C framework which is available as a
.tar.gz file. The framework's program documentation is located at
Read the section Related Pages first.
Optionally, you can also download the documentation as a .tar.gz file.
Most students should be able to start with the project after christmas. However, some of the more experienced might start
earlier and probably would like to join the programming contest. More information to the contest is given in the PDF
project description.
The file pictures.tar.gz contains a collection of sample images, which can be used for testing your code. The painter framework reads by default the file in.tif.
Evaluation schedule of the miniproject's mandatory exercises: The evaluation takes place in ETZ D96 on February 1st or 3rd at 1-3 p.m. depending on your exercise group:
- Exercise groups on Wednesday, February 1st:
Sebastian Mödersheim, Michael Gomez, Omar Awile, Michael Waschbüsch/Filip Sadlo.
- Exercise groups on Friday, February 3rd:
Jürgen Doser, Dominik Uebersax, Remo Marti, Theodor Mader.
Since most students seem to be working on their own laptops, we’ve decided that you may present the miniproject on your own laptops as well.
Nonetheless, the presentation will still take place in ETZ D96. It will be presented to your assistant, who will give the corresponding credit points.
Contest. If you want to take part in the contest, you must send your project, including documentation, to deniss, until January 31, 24.00
(NOT February 1st, 18.00, as it says in the project task description!!). Additionally, contest entries must be presented to Denis Steinemann and Stephan Würmlin during the normal submissions on February 1 and 3.
Solution. The solution of the miniproject is now available for download: painter-ws0506-ml.tar.gz.
Contest winners of 2006 
The prices were awarded to:
Contest winners of 2003
The prices were awarded to:
Contest winners of 2002
The prices were awarded to: