Computer Graphics Laboratory

Informatik%20I%20-%20D-ITET%20(WS%2005/06) - Schedule

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Schedule Informatik I (D-ITET) (WS 2005/06)

Topic Lecture
Exercise (Monday)
Handout Submission
Introduction to Programming 26.10.2005  
Introduction to Unix 31.10.2005 31.10.2005  
Datatypes and Variables I 02.11.2005 07.11.2005 21.11.2005
Datatypes and Variables II 09.11.2005 07.11.2005 21.11.2005
Branching Statements and Logical Operators 17.11.2005 21.11.2005 28.11.2005
Arrays and Structs 23.11.2005 28.11.2005 05.12.2005
Control Flow 30.11.2005 05.12.2005 12.12.2005
Pointers I 07.12.2005 12.12.2005 19.12.2005
Pointers II 14.12.2005 19.12.2005 09.01.2006
Functions I and File I/O 21.12.2005 09.01.2006 16.01.2006
Functions II 11.01.2006 16.01.2006 23.01.2006
Classes I 18.01.2006 23.01.2006 30.01.2006
Classes II 25.01.2006 30.01.2006 06.02.2006
Inheritance 01.02.2006 06.02.2006  
Miniproject Awards 08.02.2006  

Mini Project

  • Presentation: November 2th, 2005, during the lecture
  • Submission: Until February 1st, 2006
  • Awards: February 8th, 2006