Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar %2522Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics%2522 (WS 06%252F07)


Seminar "Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics"

Course Topics

This seminar covers recent work in computer graphics and geometric modeling, with a particular focus on gaming technology and surface reconstruction.

Course Setup

Every participant has to present one of the papers in the list below. Additionally, you are required to read the paper that is presented in class beforehand and participate in a discussion during the seminar. An assistant will provide support when preparing the slides and in case technical questions arise.

Learning Objectives

This seminar is designed to:
  • Strengthen your presentation skills and your ability to read and critically analyze current research papers in computer graphics
  • Help you improve your argumentation skills and stimulate active learning through group discussions
  • Get you acquainted with current research in computer graphics


Previous knowledge of the basics of computer graphics is mandatory.


75% of the final grade are determined by your presentation
25% are determined from your participation in the group discussions.


Number 251-0537-00
Organizers Gross, M., Pauly, M.
Location IFW D42, Thursday, 15-17
Credits 2S
ECTS Credits 4



Date Student Supervisor Topic/Slides
2. Nov. Jeroen Dries Mark Pauly Poisson Surface Reconstruction
9. Nov. Dominik Uebersax Hao Li Robust Reconstruction of Watertight 3D Models from Non-uniformly Sampled Point Clouds Without Normal Information
16. Nov. Moritz Baecher Bernd Bickel Reconstruction of Solid Models from Oriented Point Sets
16. Nov. Jens Puwein Michael Eigensatz Bayesian Point Cloud Reconstruction
23. Nov. Tanja Kaeser Mario Botsch Spectral Surface Quadrangulation
30. Nov. Christoph Baumann Mario Botsch Vector Field-Based Shape Deformations
30. Nov. Dennis Kuepper Bob Sumner Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation
7. Dec. Sandro Loeschhorn Bob Sumner Inverse Kinematics for Reduced Deformable Models
7. Dec. Kaspar Rohrer Filip Sadlo Procedural Modeling of Buildings
14. Dec. Rene Jacober Miguel Otaduy Generating Surface Crack Patterns
14. Dec. Benjamin Berger Nils Thuerey Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments Annotated with Motion Data
21. Dec. Serkan Bozyigit Martin Wicke Model Reduction for Real-Time Fluids
4. Jan. Marcel Meili Michael Waschbuesch Real-Time Video Abstraction
11. Jan. Lucas Novosad Doo-Young Kwon Style Translation for Human Motion
18. Jan. Basil Weber Remo Ziegler Continuum Crowds
25. Jan. Allesandro Rigazzi Simon Heinzle Overview of the Microsof XNA Express Game Development System

Seminar Papers

1. Surface Reconstruction and Shape Approximation

Bayesian Point Cloud Reconstruction
Philipp Jenke, Michael Wand, Martin Bokeloh, Andreas Schilling, Wolfgang Straßer, Eurographics 2006[...]/jwbss-bpcr-06.pdf

Robust Reconstruction of Watertight 3D Models from Non-uniformly Sampled Point Clouds Without Normal Information
Alexander Hornung, Leif Kobbelt, SGP 2006[...]/hornung2006sgp.pdf

Poisson Surface Reconstruction
Michael Kazhdan, Matthew Bolitho, Hugues Hoppe, SGP 2006

Reconstruction of Solid Models from Oriented Point Sets
Michael Kazhdan, SGP 2005

2. Geometric Modeling

Spectral Surface Quadrangulation
Shen Dong, Peer-Timo Bremer, Michael Garland, Valerio Pascucci, John C. Hart, SIGGRAPH 2006

Vector-Field-Based Shape Deformations
Wolfram von Funck, Holger Theisel, Hans-Peter Seidel, SIGGRAPH 2006

Subspace Gradient Domain Mesh Deformation
Jin Huang, Xiaohan Shi, Xinguo Liu, Kun Zhou, Li-Yi Wei, Shanghua Teng, Hujun Bao, Baining Guo, Heung-Yeung Shum, SIGGRAPH 2006

Inverse Kinematics for Reduced Deformable Models
Kevin G. Der, Robert W. Sumner, Jovan Popovic, SIGGRAPH 2006

Procedural Modeling of Buildings
Pascal Müller (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich) Peter Wonka (Arizona State University), Simon Haegler, Andreas Ulmer, Luc Van Gool (Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich), SIGGRAPH 2006

3. Gaming Technology

Overview of the Microsoft XNA Express Game Development System
Microsoft, 2006

Model Reduction for Real-Time Fluids
Adrien Treuille, Andrew Lewis (University of Washington), Zoran Popovic (University of Washington and Electronic Arts), SIGGRAPH 2006

Motion Patches: Building Blocks for Virtual Environments Annotated With Motion Data
Kang Hoon Lee, Myeong Geol Choi, Jehee Lee (Seoul National University), SIGGRAPH 2006

Precomputed Acoustic Transfer: Output-Sensitive, Accurate Sound Generation for Geometrically Complex Vibration Sources
Doug L. James, Jernej Barbic (Carnegie Mellon University), Dinesh K. Pai (Rutgers University and The University of British Columbia), SIGGRAPH 2006

Continuum Crowds
Adrien Treuille, Seth Cooper (University of Washington), Zoran Popovic (University of Washington and Electronic Arts), SIGGRAPH 2006

Real-Time Video Abstraction
Holger Winnemöller, Sven Olsen, Bruce Gooch (Northwestern University), SIGGRAPH 2006

Face Transfer With Multilinear Models
Daniel Vlasic (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Matt Brand, Hanspeter Pfister (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories), Jovan Popovic (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), SIGGRAPH 2005

User-Configurable Automatic Shader Simplification
F. Pellacini, SIGGRAPH 2005

MoXi: Real-Time Ink Dispersion in Absorbent Paper
Nelson S.-H. Chu, Chiew-Lan Tai (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), SIGGRAPH 2005

Style Translation for Human Motion
Eugene Hsu (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Kari Pulli (Nokia / Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Jovan Popovic (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), SIGGRAPH 2005

Generating Surface Crack Patterns
Hayley N. Iben, James F. O'Brien, SCA 2006

"Walk to here": A Voice-Driven Animation System
Zhijin Wang, Michiel van de Panne, SCA 2006