Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar 2001 (WS 01/02) - Home

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[Img: Goblet 1] [Img: Goblet 2] [Img: Goblet 3] [Img: Goblet 1]

Course Topics

This seminar covers topics in computer graphics and imaging. We focus on work that has recently been published at SIGGRAPH, the most important computer graphics conference worldwide. The publications cover areas such as graphics hardware, rendering, photo realism, meshing and compression, surfaces, physically-based modeling, and animation.


In-depth understanding of actual problems and research topics in the field of computer graphics.


The courses "Grundlagen der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung I & II" are recommended, but not mandatory.


Guidelines for the seminar (PDF File, german)



Lecturer Prof. Markus Gross
Assistants Martin Näf, IFW C29.2, internal phone 20782
Stephan Würmlin, IFW C29.2, internal phone 20781
Location IFW A36, wednesday, 14:15 - 16:00
Registration Registration and assignment of papers take place in the first session.
The number of participants is limited to 20 students.
Credits 2S (4 credits)