Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar 2002 (WS 02/03) - Home

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Description Description | Administration
Seminar "Physically-based methods for 3D games and medical applications"

Course Topics

The seminar covers topics in particle systems, mass-springs models, and finite element methods. These approaches can be used to represent deformable objects or fluids for 3D games and medical applications. Furthermore, the seminar covers topics like collision detection and fracture simulation. It is intended to review recent publications in these areas.


Understanding of research topics and related problems in the field of deformable modeling.


Computer science courses like "Analysis I,II" or "Physik I,II" would be helpful, but are not mandatory.


Guidelines for the seminar (PDF File, german)

Administration Description | Administration
Lecturer Matthias Teschner and Matthias Mueller
Location IFW C42, Thursday, 12:15 - 14:00
Registration Registration and assignment of papers in the first session.
The number of participants is limited to 20 students.
Credits 2S (4 credits)