Computer Graphics Laboratory

Physically-based Simulation (SS 06) - Schedule

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Tentative Schedule

3.4.  Introduction and Open Inventor
10.4.Mass-Spring Systems I
17.4.-- Osterfeier / Easter --
24.4.Mass-Spring Systems II
1.5.-- Tag der Arbeit / Labor day --
8.5.Particle Systems + Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
15.5.Applied Partial Differential Equations
22.5.Rigid Bodies + NovodeX SDK
29.5.Collision Detection
5.6.-- Pfingsten / Pentecost--
12.6.Finite Element Method for Deformable Solids
19.6.Geometric Deformations
26.6.Eulerian Fluid Simulation
3.7.Demonstrations of Exercises