Computer Graphics Laboratory

PhD Seminar - AS 15

Course Topics and Objectives

In this doctoral seminar, current research at the Institute for Visual Computing will be presented and discussed. The goal is to learn about current research projects at our institute, to strengthen our expertise in the field, to provide a platform where research challenges can be discussed, and also to practice scientific presentations.

Course Setup

The seminar takes place in the spring and autumn semester.


This course requires solid knowledge in the area of Computer Graphics and Computer Vision as well as state-of-the-art research.

Performance assessment

Ungraded semester performance. Presence is mandatory (75% of the seminar talks, i.e., 9 out of 12 or 9 out of 11) to pass the seminar. Presence is formally controlled. Every participant has to present her research once a year.


Number 264-5800-00L
Organizers M. Gross, O. Sorkine, M. Pollefeys
Coordinator Marcel Lancelle
Location CAB G 51, Friday, 12-13 (starting at 12:15)
ECTS Credits 1


Date Name Topic
Sep 18 Introduction
[Sep 25] - [no talk, CGL retreat]
Oct 2 Yeara Kozlov Facial Performance Capture
Oct 9 Lorenz Meier Wire Detection for Autonomous Flying Vehicles
Oct 16 Dmitrij Burlak Knowledge Graph Visualization
Oct 23 Antoine Milliez Fun With Curves
Oct 30 Pelin Dogan [cancelled]
Nov 6 Vaclav Hnizda Man vs. Machine: Learning
Nov 13 Andrea Cohen Efficient Robust Estimation
Nov 20 Nikolay Savinov Optimization of Ray Potentials for Semantic 3D Reconstruction
Nov 27 Fabio Maninchedda Semantic reconstruction of heads with a shape prior
Dec 4 Simone Meyer Phase-based Methods for Video
Dec 11 Christian Schumacher Computational Design Tools
Dec 18 Endri Dibra Shape reconstruction from monocular images