Course TopicsThis seminar covers advanced topics in scientific visualization and information visualization. GoalsTo be able to read a research paper in Visualization, to identify its strengths and weaknesses, and to present it in an understandable way.Course SetupA selection of mostly recent research papers and application studies is offered, covering topics such as direct volume rendering, flow visualization, feature extraction, interactive visual analysis, and the usage of GPUs for visualization. Papers from all categories relevant for visualization will be selected, namely from theory, algorithms and applications.Each student presents one paper to the class and leads a discussion about the paper and related topics. All students read the papers and participate in the discussion.
PrerequisitesThe course "Scientific Visualization" (251-0564-00L) is recommended. List of PapersTopic A: Direct Volume Rendering
Topic B: Illustrative Visualization
Topic C: Unsteady Flow Visualization and Flow Topology