Symposium on Point-Based Graphics 2007PBG and VG 2007 are over and have been great events. If you were not able to join us, you can still obtain the proceedings from AK Peters. Further, we have made the slides of our keynote and capstone talks available. We hope you can join us next year when PBG and VG will be co-located with ACM SIGGRAPH. The IEEE/Eurographics Symposium on Point-Based Graphics (PBG) is a forum for presenting new results related to the use of point-based primitives in modeling, rendering, data acquisition, simulation, geometry, and graphics hardware. Building on the successful PBG 2004 (Zurich), PBG 2005 (Stony Brook), and PBG 2006 (Boston), the next symposium will be held September 2-3, 2007 in Prague, Czech Republic. The event will be co-located with Eurographics 2007. The Point-Based Graphics Symposium will again be held in conjunction with the International Symposium on Volume Graphics (VG07).
Joint VG07/PBG07 Keynote & Capstone:
Professor Amitabh Varshney,
University of Maryland at College Park:
Professor Wolfgang Baumeister,
Max-Planck-Institute for Biochemistry:
Joint VG07/PBG07 Social Event:Banquet in New Town City Hall on Monday, Sep 3. |