Computer Graphics Laboratory

Artificial Intelligence for Digital Characters - SS 25


The lecture schedule and material are moved to Moodle.


Course Topics

This lecture provides an overview of techniques to build conversational digital characters. Three main components of conversational digital characters are introduced: Chatbots, animation synthesis, and speech synthesis. Real-life application of such digital characters is demonstrated on different use cases (e.g., digital Einstein).


There are no prerequisites for this class. However, it will help if the student has taken an undergraduate or graduate level class in statistics or machine learning.


This course is concluded with a 120 minutes written exam.


Number 263-5704-00L
Lecturer Dr. Rafael Wampfler (
Assistants Chen Yang (
Xiang Zhang (
Jiaxi Jiang (
Chang-Jin Lee (
Language English
Lecture Location HG D 3.2, Wednesday 14:15-16:00
ECTS Credits 4
Exam 120 minutes, written exam (in English)