Computer Graphics Laboratory

Computer Graphics | Schedule

Tentative Schedule

This shows the planned schedule of the lectures and exercies, and will be updated in accordance to the actual course schedule throughout the semester.

Lecture Topic Lecturerer Exercise
16.09.2014IntroductionDr. Oliver Wang-
19.09.2014Ray Tracing IProf. GrossJavaScript tutorial / Ex1 handout
23.09.2014Ray Tracing IIProf. Gross-
26.09.2014Ray Tracing IIIDr. Oliver WangQ&A
30.09.2014Ray Tracing IVDr. Wenzel Jakob-
03.10.2014Shape Representation IProf. Sorkine-HornungEx1 grading / Ex2 handout
07.10.2014Shape Representation IIDr. Daniele Panozzo-
10.10.2014Texture MappingDr. Daniele PanozzoQ&A
14.10.2014Visibility Culling IProf. Sorkine-Hornung-
17.10.2014Visibilitiy Culling IIProf. Sorkine-HornungEx2 grading / Ex3 handout
21.10.2014Light Transport IDr. Wenzel Jakob-
24.10.2014Light Transport IIDr. Wenzel JakobQ&A
28.10.2014Light Transport IIIProf. GrossEx4 handout
31.10.2014Light Transport IVProf. GrossEx3 due / Ex4 Q&A
04.11.2014Curve Geometry IntroProf. Sorkine-Hornung-
07.11.2014Polynomials and InterpolationDr. Daniele PanozzoQ&A
11.11.2014Bezier Curves IDr. Daniele Panozzo-
14.11.2014Bezier Curves IIProf. Sorkine-HornungEx4 grading / Ex5 handout
18.11.2014Tensor Product SurfacesDr. Daniele Panozzo-
21.11.2014Rational Curves and Surfaces (NURBS)Dr. Daniele PanozzoQ&A
25.11.2014Procedural Textures and Modeling IDr. Wenzel Jakob-
28.11.2014Procedural Textures and Modeling IIGuest lecture from EsriQ&A / Ex6 handout
02.12.2014Point Based Graphics IProf. Gross-
05.12.2014Point Based Graphics IIProf. GrossEx5 grading
09.12.2014Light Field and Image Based Rendering IDr. Oliver Wang-
12.12.2014Light Field and Image Based Rendering IIDr. Oliver WangEx6 grading
16.12.2014Computer Graphics Research OutlookProf. Gross / Prof. Sorkine-Hornung-
19.12.2014Wrap-UpProf. Gross / Prof. Sorkine-HornungNo exercise session