Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Computer Graphics - AS 15 - Course Material


The lecture slides will be available as a PDF in this page according to the lecture schedule. Please use duplex and B&W printing. Download is restricted to computers within the ETH Network (IP = 129.132.*, 195.176.*, 10.5.*, 10.6.*)

Literature (available as online resources and hard copies at the ETH library)


  • Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes: Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice, Addison-Wesley, 1995
  • Shirley, Ashikhmin, Gleicher, Marschner, Reinhard, Sung, Thompson, Willemsen: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics, A K Peters, 2005

Main book for rendering part

  • Pharr, Humphreys: Physically Based Rendering (Second Edition), Morgan Kaufmann, 2010