Computer Graphics Laboratory

Computer Graphics - AS 18 - Schedule


This shows the planned schedule of the lectures and exercies, and will be updated in accordance to the actual course schedule throughout the semester. The information in this page is subject to change and should not be construed as a commitment.

  • Discussion session: we will be presenting newly released exercises and answering questions. The room is HG D 1.1.
  • Exercise Deadline: you need to submit your code and report via email as explained on the Nori webpage. The deadline is on Friday at 23:59. Late submissions will not be graded.
  • Final Project: please see details on the Nori webpage for the exact deadline day and time.
Lecture Topic Lecturer Exercise
Shape Representation Intro
Dr. Jan NovákNori Intro
24.09.2018Polygonal Meshes, Parameterization and Texture MappingDr. Cengiz Öztireli-
28.09.2018Light & Matter, Radiometric quantities
Basics of Ray Tracing
Dr. Jan NovákQ&A - Ex1 Out
01.10.2018Acceleration Data StructuresDr. Marios Papas-
05.10.2018Appearance Modeling
Dr. Marios Papas
Prof. Don Greenberg
08.10.2018Microfacet TheoryDr. Marios Papas-
12.10.2018Monte Carlo IntegrationThomas MüllerQ&A - Ex1 Due - Ex2 Out
15.10.2018Direct Illumination IProf. Markus Gross-
19.10.2018Direct Illumination IIDr. Marios PapasEx2 Due - Ex3 Out
22.10.2018Global Illumination IDr. Marios Papas-
26.10.2018Global Illumination II
Photon Mapping
Dr. Marios PapasQ&A
29.10.2018Sampling and Anti-aliasingDr. Cengiz Öztireli-
02.11.2018Participating Media IDr. Jan NovákQ&A - Ex3 Due - Ex4 Out
05.11.2018Participating Media IIDr. Jan Novák-
09.11.2018Many-Light Rendering
Machine Learning for Light-Transport Simulation
Dr. Jan NovákFinal Project Out
12.11.2018Sub-Surface ScatteringThomas Müller-
16.11.2018Bidirectional Path Tracing and Metropolis Light TransportProf. Wenzel JakobQ&A - Ex4 Due
19.11.2018Geometric CaptureTBD-
23.11.2018Image Based DenoisingDr. Fabrice RousselleQ&A
26.11.2018Point-Based GraphicsProf. Markus Gross-
30.11.2018Procedural Textures and ModelingDr. Pascal MüllerQ&A
03.12.2018Animation IDr. Martin Guay-
07.12.2018Animation IIDr. Martin GuayQ&A
10.12.2018Image-based RenderingDr. Aziz Djelouah-
14.12.2018Light FieldDr. Aziz DjelouahQ&A
17.12.2018Computer Graphics Research OutlookThomas Müller
Dr. Vinicius C. Azevedo
Dr. Tobias Günther
Dr. Severin Klingler
Alexandra Ion
Dr. Tunç Aydın
21.12.2018Rendering Competition--