Computer Graphics Laboratory

Engineering Tool: Case Study Physics Simulations - SS 21

Important: The following slides and exercises were generated as course documentation only. They contain images with unknown copyright. Therefore, the slides are provided exclusively for students attending the course to study the course material. Please do not distribute these documents.

Note: These documents can only be accessed within the ETH network.

Code framework

Code framework and installation instruction: git repository

Lectures material

Session Material
23/02 Introduction, Time Integration [Slides]
Rigid Bodies [Slides]
24/02 Fluids I [Slides]
25/02 Fluids II - SPH [Slides]
Fluids III - Hybrid [Slides]

Exercises material

Session Material
23/02 EX1 - Time Integration [Task Description][Slide]
EX2 - Rigid Body Dynamics [Task Description][Slide]
24/02 EX3 - Eulerian Fluid Simulation [Task Description][Slide]
25/02 EX4 - SPH Fluid Simulation [Task Description][Slide]