Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar "Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics" (AS 07)


Seminar "Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics"

Course Topics

This seminar covers advanced topics in computer graphics, including both seminal research papers as well as the latest research results. Topics include modeling, rendering, animation, real-time graphics, physical simulation, computational photography, and others.

Course Setup

Every participant has to present one of the papers in the list below. Additionally, you are required to read the paper that is presented in class beforehand and participate in a discussion during the seminar. An assistant will provide support when preparing the slides and in case technical questions arise.

Learning Objectives

This seminar is designed to:
  • Strengthen your presentation skills and your ability to read and critically analyze current research papers in computer graphics
  • Help you improve your argumentation skills and stimulate active learning through group discussions
  • Get you acquainted with current research in computer graphics


Previous knowledge of the basics of computer graphics is mandatory.


75% of the final grade are determined by your presentation
25% are determined from your participation in the group discussions.


Number 251-0537-00
Organizers Gross, M., Pauly, M.
Location IFW A32.1, Tuesday, 15-17
Credits 2S
ECTS Credits 4



Date Student Supervisor Topic / Slides
25. Sept. Introduction [Slides]
2. Oct. Christian Conti Nils Thuerey Stable fluids
9. Oct. Gioacchino Noris Peter Kaufmann Deformable curve and surface finite-elements for free-form shape design
16. Oct. Urs Doenni Bernd Bickel Elastically deformable models
23. Oct. Martin Seiler Bob Sumner Accessible Animation and Customizable Graphics via Simplicial Configuration Modeling
30. Oct. Janis Moritz Bode Rolf Adelsberger Turning to the Masters: Motion Capturing Cartoons
6. Nov. Sandro Buenter Bob Sumner Mesh-Based Inverse Kinematics
13. Nov. Thabo Beeler Hao Li Global and local deformations of solid primitives [Maple sheets]
20. Nov. Matthias Flierl Denis Steinemann Preventing Self-Intersection under Free-Form Deformation
27. Nov. Dario Poggiali Mario Botsch Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells
4. Dec. Daniel Wolfertshofer Simon Heinzle A hardware architecture for surface splatting
11. Dec. Holger Brandsmeier Gael Guennebaud The rendering equation
18. Dec. Matthias Buehlmann Remo Ziegler Light field rendering

Seminar Papers

Stable fluids
Jos Stam

Light field rendering
Marc Levoy, Pat Hanrahan

Elastically deformable models
Demetri Terzopoulos, John Platt, Alan Barr, Kurt Fleischer

Deformable curve and surface finite-elements for free-form shape design
George Celniker, Dave Gossard

A hardware architecture for surface splatting
Tim Weyrich, Cyril Flaig, Simon Heinzle, Simon Mall, Timo Aila, Kaspar Rohrer, Daniel B. Fasnacht, Norbert Felber, Stephan Oetiker, Hubert Kaeslin, Mario Botsch, Markus Gross

The rendering equation
James T. Kajiya

Accessible Animation and Customizable Graphics via Simplicial Configuration Modeling
Tom Ngo, Jenny Dana, Doug Cutrell, Bruce Donald, Lorie Loeb, Shunhui Zhu

Turning to the Masters: Motion Capturing Cartoons
Chris Bregler, Lorie Loeb, Erika Chuang, Hrishi Deshpande

Mesh-Based Inverse Kinematics
Robert W. Sumner, Matthias Zwicker, Craig Gotsman, Jovan Popovic

Global and local deformations of solid primitives
Al Barr

Preventing Self-Intersection under Free-Form Deformation
James E. Gain and Neil A. Dodgson

Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells
Mario Botsch, Mark Pauly, Martin Wicke, Markus Gross