Lecture Material
Lecture 01:
Lecture 02:
Lecture 03:
Project Ideas
Below are a handful of potential game ideas. Feel free to use,
combine, modify, change, etc. any of these ideas in order to design
your own style of game. Be creative, it's fun!! Remember, the game
need not be a classic "shoot everything that moves" type of game. It
should feature one to three advanced graphics techniques that will
form the technical basis of your work in the class.
A Worms-style
game that incorporates more accurate physical simulations of rigid
bodies, fluids, etc.
Demolition car derby, with the focus on deformable objects,
plasticity, object-object interaction...
A virtual fantasy instrument game where instruments can be
designed and played through the controller. Visualize the instrument
and also the generated sound with 3D graphics. Use the DirectMusic
midi interface for sound synthesis.
A "game" to convert 3D shape, color, texture and others into
music. Shapes, colors, and textures should be created through
controller input or, more advanced, by camera based vision.
Focus on physically correct sound rendering: you design different
objects and bat them around to make real simulated sound. Different
operations (hitting a can, breaking glass, etc.) could be sequenced
together to form a song. Playback would include both the 3D graphics
and the sound simulation.
Design a game where fire plays a key role. For instance, you
have to light a fire, transport it while keeping it burning etc.
Butterfly: Write a game to collect butterflies and use advanced
anisotropic pixel shaders for the wings.
Rivers: Write a game that uses fluid simulation to direct,
control and create flows and rivers. The player must meet some goal,
such as direct the river to avoid obstacles.
"Fluid-Lemmings" (or Flummings?!)
Have a 2D fluid simulation
streaming in somewhere, and leaving at another place. Somewhere else
small fish or other creatures enter and have to be brought to an exit
region. Those can be treated as particles in the fluid, just swimming
along. The user can place obstacles or direct the fish to make them
reach the exit. Inbetween all kinds of dangerous traps/monsters could be
Game based on procedural design of buildings, cities, plants,
etc. For example, design a city, and then play Godzilla as he smashes
it apart. For plants, the user could design a garden by creating
L-system rules. Once
the plants, trees, flowers, etc. have been placed, the user could play
as godzilla and smash them apart.
Game based on painting, using a real-time paint simulation.
Game focusing on face or body models: combine different people,
attributes, etc. from a statistical model of face or body shape to
create new characters. The characters could then interact with each
other, or form the avatars for a card game like Texas holdem.
Other ideas: voice-driven UI for a game, crowd simulation, motion
capture playback / adaptation, non-photorealistic rendering,
video-input for gameplay, teaching (teach calculus in 3D), etc.