Computer Graphics Laboratory

Game Programming Laboratory - SS15 - Schedule


Each of the lectures will usually consist of the following three parts: a lecture on a general topic, information about the project structure, and a practical exercise part. In addition, meetings of the game teams with the supervisor to discuss the progress of the projects are held.

This presents a preliminary schedule and will be updated during the course of the lecture.

17.02.15 Introduction, Conceptualization, Project structure
Form groups
24.02.15 Structure of Games
Soft Skills
Student presentations - Pitch of the game idea
03.03.15 Trip to Outlane
10.03.15 Exercise Block I - Asset creation and introduction to Unity
17.03.15 Student presentations - Formal game proposal and physical prototype
24.03.15 Exercise Block II - Advanced Unity topics and practices
31.03.15 Student presentations - First playable demo
07.04.15 Easter - No class
14.04.15 Guest lecture
21.04.15 Student presentations - Interim demos
28.04.15 Playtesting
AI, Sound, Controls
05.05.15 Student presentations - Alpha release demos
12.05.15 Student presentations - Playtest results
19.05.15 Functionality, Completeness, Balance
26.05.15 Final public presentations


The following assignments will be given in class, and have to be completed by the shown dates. Most of them involve adding a chapter on a specific topic to the game project document.

Due date Assignment
Monday, March 2, 17:00 Rough draft of the formal project proposal added to game notebook
Monday, March 9, 17:00 Final formal project proposal chapter added to game notebook
Monday, March 16, 17:00 Prototype chapter added to game notebook
Monday, April 20, 17:00 Interim report chapter added to game notebook
Monday, May 4, 17:00 Alpha release chapter added to game notebook
Monday, May 11, 17:00 Playtest chapter added to game notebook
Friday, May 29, 17:00 Conclusion chapter added to game notebook
Demo Video

Presentations & Demos

At the following dates presentations or demos will be given by the students during the class.

Date Topic
Tuesday, February 24 Informal pitch of the game idea
Tuesday, March 17 Formal game proposal and prototypes
Tuesday, March 31 First playable demos
Tuesday, April 21 Interim demos
Tuesday, May 5 Alpha release demos
Tuesday, May 12 Playtest presentation
Tuesday, May 26 Final public presentation