Each of the lectures will usually consist of the following three parts:
a lecture on a general topic, information about the project structure,
and a practical exercise part.
In addition, meetings of the game teams with the supervisor to discuss the
progress of the projects are held.
This presents a preliminary schedule and will be updated during the course of the lecture.
Date |
Topic |
23.02.16 |
Introduction, Project structure Students present themselves, Speed dating, Social event |
01.03.16 |
Game concepts, conceptualization, structure of games, soft skills Student presentations - Pitch of the game idea, Form groups |
08.03.16 |
Prototyping Trip to Outlane |
15.03.16 | Exercise Block I - Introduction to MonoGames |
22.03.16 | Student presentations - Formal game proposal and physical prototype |
29.03.16 | Easter - No class |
05.04.16 | Student presentations - First playable demo |
12.04.16 | Exercise Block II - Asset creation |
19.04.16 | Guest lecture: Gobo |
26.04.16 | Student presentations - Interim demos |
03.05.16 |
Playtesting AI, Sound, Controls |
10.05.16 | Student presentations - Alpha release demos |
17.05.16 | Student presentations - Playtest results |
24.05.16 | Functionality, Completeness, Balance |
31.05.16 | Final public presentations |
The following assignments will be given in class, and have to be completed
by the shown dates. Most of them involve adding a chapter on a specific topic
to the game project document.
Due date | Assignment |
07.03.16, 17:00 | Rough draft of the formal project proposal added to game notebook |
14.03.16, 17:00 | Final formal project proposal chapter added to game notebook |
21.03.16, 17:00 | Prototype chapter added to game notebook |
25.04.16, 17:00 | Interim report chapter added to game notebook |
09.05.16, 17:00 | Alpha release chapter added to game notebook |
16.05.16, 17:00 | Playtest chapter added to game notebook |
03.06.16, 17:00 |
Conclusion chapter added to game notebook Demo Video |