The following locations are reserved for the exercise lessons. The registration is open, see below.
The exercise lessons will start in the second week!
Room | Day | Time |
Tuesday | 14.15-16.00 | |
Wednesday | 13.15-15.00 | |
Wednesday | 15.15-17.00 |
Barbara Solenthaler,
Registration is closed.
Forgot your exercise group? Exercise groups registrations.
There is a forum where students can exchange comments about the lecture.
Questions can be posted, and students can provide answers.
Bug reports are also welcome.
You can access the forum in Olat with your nethz login here:
Forum Info1 D-MAVT 2014
If you have not worked with Olat before you need to set a user name on your first login.
Go to Olat, select ETH Zurich in the pull-down menu,
click on login, enter your nethz login and password, accept the message "Browser Website Certified...",
and type your Olat user name.
The user name cannot be altered afterwards. The Olat Manual can be found here:
Olat Manual.
Download is restricted to computers within the ETH Network (IP = 129.132.*, 195.176.*, 10.5.*, 10.6.*)
The homeworks have to be handed in electronically until the submission deadline.