Computer Graphics Laboratory

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision - SS16 - Homework


Exercise 1 (Presentation on: 14.03.2016.
Submission deadline: 13.03.2016, 11:59pm)

Exercise 2 (Presentation on: 21.03.2016.
Submission deadline: 20.03.2016, 11:59pm)

Exercise 3 (Presentation on: 11.04.2016.
Submission deadline: 10.04.2016, 11:59pm)
IMPORTANT - new bunny mesh, and code to get normals here
IMPORTANT - errata for ex.1.3.

Exercise 4 (Presentation on: 02.05.2016.
Submission deadline: 1.05.2016, 11:59pm)
IMPORTANT - errata for ex.2.1.

Exercise 5 (Presentation on: 23.05.2016.
Submission deadline: 22.05.2016, 11:59pm)

Exercise 6 (Presentation on: 30.05.2016.
Submission deadline: 29.05.2016, 11:59pm)

The files for the exercises will be made available on this page.
They are only accessible from ETH IP range.