Computer Graphics Laboratory

Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics and Vision - SS21 - Schedule


This shows the planned schedule of the lectures and exercies, and will be updated in accordance to the actual course schedule throughout the semester. The information in this page is subject to change and should not be construed as a commitment.

Date Class Exercise Session
23.02.2021 Introduction, Robust fitting -
02.03.2021 Global Optimization I Ex1 out
09.03.2021 Global Optimization II Ex2 out
16.03.2021 Representation and Approximation, Dimensionality Reduction Ex1 due
23.03.2021 Markov Random Fields and Graph-cuts Ex2 due - Ex3 out
30.03.2021 Space Transformations -
13.04.2021 Optimal Transport Ex3 due - Ex4 out
20.04.2021 Variational Methods I -
27.04.2021 Variational Methods II Ex4 due - Ex5 out
04.05.2021 Deep Learning I -
11.05.2021 Deep Learning II Ex5 due - Ex6 out
18.05.2021 Deep Learning III -
25.05.2021 TBA -
01.06.2021 TBA Ex6 due