Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar 'Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision' - AS10 - Home

Description Description | Administration | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers

Course Topics

This seminar covers advanced topics in computer graphics and vision, including both seminal research papers as well as the latest research results. Topics include data-driven modeling and animation, image based rendering, real-time vision & graphics, physical simulation and generative models, visual perception, computational photography, video synthesis, and others.

Course Setup

Every participant has to present one of the papers in the list below. Additionally, you are required to read the paper that is presented in class beforehand and participate in a discussion during the seminar. An assistant will provide support when preparing the slides and in case technical questions arise.

Learning Objectives

The goal is to get an in-depth understanding of actual problems and research topics in the field of computer graphics and vision as well as improve presentations and critical analysis skills.


The "Visual Computing", "Introduction to Computer Graphics" and "Computer Vision I" courses are recommended, but not mandatory.

Administration Description | Administration | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Number 251-0537-00 S
Organizers M. Gross, M. Pollefeys, L. Ballan, T. Popa, C. Oztireli
Location HG E 33.3, Thursday, 15-17
ECTS Credits 2

Links Description | Administration | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Schedule Description | Administration | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Date Topic Paper Student Supervisor
30-SepGraphics is fun2.5D Cartoon Models Christian SchultzTiberiu Popa
7-OctDisplayA Multi-Layered Display with Water Drops Ruedi SteinmannNicola Ranieri
Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Moving Images Francois SerreChristopher Zach
14-OctGeometryLp Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation and its Applications Fabian HahnCengiz Oztireli
Geodesic Patterns Remo MeyerTiberiu Popa
21-OctFeature/RecognitionBRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features Lars SchnyderFriedrich Fraundorfer
Discriminative Models for Multi-class Object Layout Philipp KellerAlexander
28-OctSimulationStable Spaces for Real-time Clothing Christian Schumacher Thomaszewski Bernhard
Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids Thomas SiegristMartin Sebastian
4-NovRenderingOptical Computing for Fast Light Transport Analysis Sebastian Millius Wojciech Jarosz
Scalable Fluid Simulation using Anisotropic Turbulence Particles David MeierTobias Pfaff
11-NovAnimationExample-Based Facial Rigging Alexandra Petitjean Bernd Bickel
Visibility Transition Planning for Dynamic Camera Control Mark NevillOskam Thomas
18-NovDynamic 3D Modeling3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a series of 2D Projections Marco BencunKevin Köser
Consensus Skeleton for Non-rigid Space-time Registration Matthias Hofstetter>Ye Mao
25-NovLocalization/Game ControllersiSAM: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping Florian Perrodin Gim Hee Lee
Gesture Controllers Samuel Häusler Kuster Claudia
2-DecMocapCombining Discriminative and Generative Methods for 3D Deformable Surface and Articulated Pose Reconstruction Stefan Wenger Luca Ballan
Real Time Motion Capture Using a Single Time-Of-Flight Camera Melanie ImhofYe Mao
9-DecSegmentation/LocalizationDynamic Color Flow: A Motion-Adaptive Color Model for Object Segmentation in Video Lufang Gao Luca Ballan
Probabilistic Temporal Inference on Reconstructed 3D Scenes Sarah Schöni Aparna Taneja
16-DecStatic 3D ModelingPiecewise Planar and Non-Planar Stereo for Urban Scene Reconstruction Thomas Houit Bernhard Zeisl
23-Dec(no seminar)

Seminar Papers Description | Administration | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers

Piecewise Planar Stereo for Image-based Rendering
[WWW] [pdf]

High-Quality Single-Shot Capture of Facial Geometry
[WWW] [pdf]

BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
[WWW] [pdf]

Discriminative Models for Multi-class Object Layout
[WWW] [pdf]

Dynamic Color Flow: A Motion-Adaptive Color Model for Object Segmentation in Video
[WWW] [pdf]

Gesture Controllers
[WWW] [pdf]

iSAM: Incremental Smoothing and Mapping
[WWW] [pdf]

Probabilistic Temporal Inference on Reconstructed 3D Scenes
[WWW] [pdf]

3D Reconstruction of a Moving Point from a series of 2D Projections
[WWW] [pdf]

Consensus Skeleton for Non-rigid Space-time Registration
[WWW] [pdf]

Combining Discriminative and Generative Methods for 3D Deformable Surface and Articulated Pose Reconstruction
[WWW] [pdf]

Real Time Motion Capture Using a Single Time-Of-Flight Camera
[WWW] [pdf]

Apparent Display Resolution Enhancement for Moving Images
[WWW] [pdf]

A Multi-Layered Display with Water Drops
[WWW] [pdf]

Example-Based Facial Rigging
[WWW] [pdf]

Visibility Transition Planning for Dynamic Camera Control
[WWW] [pdf]

Lp Centroidal Voronoi Tesselation and its Applications
[WWW] [pdf]

Geodesic Patterns
[WWW] [pdf]

Stable Spaces for Real-time Clothing
[WWW] [pdf]

Unified Simulation of Elastic Rods, Shells, and Solids
[WWW] [pdf]

Optical Computing for Fast Light Transport Analysis.
[WWW] [pdf]

Scalable Fluid Simulation using Anisotropic Turbulence Particles
[WWW] [pdf]

2.5D Cartoon Models
[WWW] [pdf]

Structure-based ASCII Art
[WWW] [pdf]