Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar 'Advanced Methods in Computer Graphics' - SS12 - Home

Description Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers

Course Topics

This seminar covers advanced topics in computer graphics, including both seminal research papers as well as the latest research results. Topics include image and video processing, data-driven modeling and animation, physical simulation, shape deformation, 3D acquisition, and others.

Course Setup

Every participant has to present one of the papers in the list below. Additionally, you are required to read the paper that is presented in class beforehand and participate in a discussion during the seminar. An assistant will provide support when preparing the slides and in case technical questions arise.

Learning Objectives

The goal is to get an in-depth understanding of actual problems and research topics in the field of computer graphics and vision as well as improve presentations and critical analysis skills.


The "Visual Computing", "Introduction to Computer Graphics" and "Computer Vision I" courses are recommended, but not mandatory.

Administration Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers


Presence is mandatory to pass the seminar. If a student can not attend a seminar session, the reason (e.g. medical certificate) has to be given before the session and must be accepted by one of the organizers. More than three missed seminar sessions will cause the student to fail this class. The dates for the presentations can not be moved except there is someone willing to switch. The students participation in the group discussions will be documented by the organizers and contributes 25% to the final grade.

Organization and Grading Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Number 252-5704-00L
Organizers M. Gross, O. Sorkine, L. Kavan, H. Zimmer
Location CAB G 52, Friday, 13-15
ECTS Credits 2

Links Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Schedule Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers
Date Topic Paper Student Supervisor
24. FebIntroductionSlides
2. MarNo class
9. MarGeometryA local/global approach to mesh parameterization Lukas B.Olga Diamanti
Multiscale Biharmonic Kernels NickIlya Baran
16. MarFinding CorrespondencesNRDC: Non-Rigid Dense Correspondence with Applications for Image Enhancement ChristineKaan Yucer
SimpleFlow: A Non-iterative, Sublinear Optical Flow Algorithm AndresHenning Zimmer
23. MarLight FieldsMulti-perspective stereoscopy from light fields ChristianChangil Kim
Unstructured Light Fields SasaYael Pritch
30. MarInteractive Shape DeformationAdaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells Stefan B.Alec Jacobson
Interference Aware Geometric Modeling RomanDaniele Panozzo
6. AprEaster holiday - no class
13. AprEaster holiday - no class
20. AprImage ProcessingGaussian KD-Trees for Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Lukas G.Manuel Lang
Image Smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization JosipHenning Zimmer
27. AprFace Modeling and AnimationKey Point Subspace Acceleration and Soft Caching DominicJohannes Schmid
Example-based Facial Rigging Stefan G.Stelian Coros
4. MayVideo ProcessingSubspace Video Stabilization WernerClaudia Kuster
Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of RGBZ Videos PhilippTiberiu Popa
11. MayFluid SimulationModel Reduction for Real-time Fluids MingTobias Pfaff
Two-Scale Particle Simulation SelimBarbara Solenthaler
18. May3D Acquisition and Cloth SimulationHigh-quality Passive Facial Performance Capture using Anchor Frames JorinDerek Bradley
Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level RudiBernhard Thomaszewski
25. MayCharacter Body ModelingReal-Time Enveloping with Rotational Regression AdrianLadislav Kavan
Efficient Elasticity for Character Skinning with Contact and Collisions CleaMelina Skouras
1. JunBackup sessionTo be determined

Seminar Papers Description | Administration | Organization and Grading | Links | Schedule | Seminar Papers

A local/global approach to mesh parameterization
[WWW] [pdf]

Multiscale Biharmonic Kernels
[WWW] [pdf]

NRDC: Non-Rigid Dense Correspondence with Applications for Image Enhancement
[WWW] [pdf]

SimpleFlow: A Non-iterative, Sublinear Optical Flow Algorithm
[WWW] [pdf]

Multi-Perspective Stereoscopy from Light Fields
[WWW] [pdf]

Unstructured Light Fields
[WWW] [pdf]

Adaptive Space Deformations Based on Rigid Cells
[WWW] [pdf]

Interference Aware Geometric Modeling
[WWW] [pdf]

Gaussian KD-Trees for Fast High-Dimensional Filtering
[WWW] [pdf]

Image Smoothing via L0 Gradient Minimization
[WWW] [pdf]

Key Point Subspace Acceleration and Soft Caching
[WWW] [pdf]

Example-based Facial Rigging
[WWW] [pdf]

Subspace Video Stabilization
[WWW] [pdf]

Coherent Spatiotemporal Filtering, Upsampling and Rendering of RGBZ Videos
[WWW] [pdf]

Model Reduction for Real-time Fluids
[WWW] [pdf]

Two-Scale Particle Simulation
[WWW] [pdf]

High-quality Passive Facial Performance Capture using Anchor Frames
[WWW] [pdf]

Simulating Knitted Cloth at the Yarn Level
[WWW] [pdf]

Real-Time Enveloping with Rotational Regression
[WWW] [pdf]

Efficient Elasticity for Character Skinning with Contact and Collisions
[WWW] [pdf]