Computer Graphics Laboratory ETH Zurich


Physically-based Simulation - AS 21


The following table provides a tentative schedule for the lectures and the assignments. The corresponding material can be found on our Moodle site.

Date Lecturer Topic Assignment
21/09 Barbara Introduction Ex0 - Framework Compile & Run
28/09 Barbara Time integration, ODE/PDE Ex0 - Framework Compile & Run
05/10 Vinicius Rigid bodies I (Dynamics) Ex1 - Time Integration
Project Team Formation Deadline
12/10 Vinicius Rigid bodies II (Collision Detection Ex2 - Rigid Body Rotation
19/10 Vinicius Fluid Simulation I (Eulerian) Ex3 - Collision Handling
26/10 Bernhard Deformable Objects I (MSS, FEM) Ex4 - Fluids
02/11 Bernhard Deformable Objects II (FEM) Ex5 - Mass-Spring System
09/11 Bernhard Deformable Objects III (Shells and Rods) Submission of Project Plans
16/11 Barbara Fluid Simulation II (SPH)
23/11 Vinicius Fluid Simulation III (FLIP, Boundaries)
30/12 TBD Differentiable Physics Project Milestone Presentation
07/12 TBD Machine Learning for Physics
14/12 TBD Guest Lecture
21/12 Students Project demos Project Final Presentation