Computer Graphics Laboratory

Visual Computing - SS10 - Home

Description Description | Administration


This course provides an in-depth introduction to the core concepts of computer graphics, image processing, multimedia, computer vision and machine learning. The course forms a basis for the specialization track Visual Computing of the CS master program at ETH.


As a prerequisite to the specialization track Visual Computing, this course covers topics from computer graphics, computer vision, and machine learning. More information on these three fields can be found on the respective group websites:


Course topics will include: Graphics pipeline, perception and color models, camera models, transformations and projection, projections, lighting, shading, global illumination, texturing, sampling theorem, Fourier transforms, image representations, convolution, linear filtering, diffusion, nonlinear filtering, edge detection, optical flow, image and video compression, Bayes decision theory and classification.

In theoretical and practical homework assignments students will learn to apply and implement the presented concepts and algorithms.


A scriptum will be handed out for a part of the course. Copies of the slides will be available for download. We will also provide a detailed list of references and textbooks.


Markus Gross: Computer Graphics, scriptum, 1994-2005

Administration Description | Administration
Number 252-0206-00L
Lecturers Prof. Dr. Markus Gross
Prof. Dr. Marc Pollefeys
Course Location Tue. 11-12 HG E 1.2
Wed. 10-12 HG E 1.2
Exercise Location Tue. 14-16 CAB G 56 or
Thu. 08-10 CAB G 56
ECTS Credits 6 credits
Exam 180 min, written (English, answers allowed in German or English), notes (8 pages A4 handwritten) and calculator allowed