Computer Graphics Laboratory

Visualization - AS 19 - Homework


The assignments will be published on this page, about one or two weeks before the due dates. All programming assignments are based on the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK). See Prog1 for install instructions. Note that the programming assignments are not mandatory and will not be graded. They are primarily meant to help you on your way towards the final course project.

How can I hand in my solutions to the theoretical assignments?

Hand in your solutions before the exercise (or before or after the lecture). If you cannot attend the exercise, scan your solution and send it before the exercise begins via email to the exercise instructor. Do not simply send a photograph of your solution. Scan it properly. Everything that cannot be read will not be graded.

Due Topic
23.09.2019 Prog1: Introduction to VTK (, VTKintro)
30.09.2019 Prog2: Mesh Rendering in VTK (
07.10.2019 Ex1: Scalar Fields, Morse-Smale, Critical Points in 2D
14.10.2019 Ex2: Laplace, Divergence, Curl
21.10.2019 Ex3: Nabla operator
28.10.2019 Prog3: Marching Cubes and Volume Rendering (
11.11.2019 Ex4: Stream Lines, Numerical Integration
Prog4: Numerical Integration (
18.11.2019 Ex5: Integral Curves in Unsteady Flow
02.12.2019 Ex6: Topological Skeleton and Linear Fields