Computer Graphics Laboratory

Seminar "Real Time Graphics and Animation" (WS 05/06)


Seminar "Real Time Graphics and Animation"

Course Topics

This seminar covers recent work in real-time and advanced rendering and computer animation. Novel techniques for real-time raytracing, image- and video-based rendering will be covered, as well as methods for character animation and control for physics-based animation.

Course Setup

Every participant has to present one of the papers in the list below. Additionally, you are required to read the paper that is presented in class beforehand and participate in a discussion during the seminar. An assistant will provide support when preparing the slides and in case technical questions arise.

Learning Objectives

This seminar is designed to:
  • Strengthen your presentation skills and your ability to read and critically analyze current research papers in computer graphics
  • Help you improve your argumentation skills and stimulate active learning through group discussions
  • Get you acquainted with current research in computer graphics


Previous knowledge of the basics of computer graphics is mandatory but no advanced experience in real-time rendering or computer animation is required.


75% of the final grade are determined by your presentation
25% are determined from your participation in the group discussions.


Number 252-5701-00
Organizers Gross, M., Pauly, M., Würmlin, S.
Location IFW D42, Thursday, 15-17
ECTS Credits 2



Date Student Supervisor Topic/Slides
3. Nov. Thomas Oskam Bob Sumner Retargetting Animations [Slides]
10. Nov. Roni Oeschger Bob Sumner Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes [Slides]
17. Nov. Natalie Trommer Stephan Würmlin Fragment-based image completion [Slides]
Rolf Adelsberger Stephan Würmlin Image completion with structure propagation [Slides]
24. Nov. Basil Fierz Tim Weyrich RPU [Slides]
Manuel Lang Michael Waschbüsch Soft Shadow volumes [Slides]
1. Dez. Benjamin Sigg Michael Waschbüsch Graphcut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts [Slides]
8. Dez. Ralf Wiedermayer Stephan Würmlin Interactive Video cutout [Slides]
15. Dez. Marco Meyer Remo Ziegler Video Textures [Slides]
Markus Lichti Remo Ziegler Panoramic Video Textures [Slides]
22. Dez. Simone Croci Bob Sumner Pose Space Deformations [Slides]
Johannes Schmid Bob Sumner Skinning Mesh Animations [Slides]
12. Jan. Roland Angst Richard Keiser Keyframe Control of Smoke Simulations [Slides]
Ivan Appert Richard Keiser Target-driven Smoke Animation [Slides]
19. Jan. Urban Weber Martin Wicke Taming Liquids for Rapidly Changing Targets [Slides]
Oliver Mueller Martin Wicke Directable Animation of Elastic Objects [Slides]
26. Jan. Peter Hess Bob Sumner Style-Based Inverse Kinematics [Slides]
2. Feb. Ursina Caluori Filip Sadlo GrabCut [Slides]
Gerhard Roethlin Filip Sadlo Lazy Snapping [Slides]
9. Feb. Tim Weyrich Stephan Würmlin Poisson Image Editing [Slides]

Seminar Papers

1. Image Synthesis and Editing

Graphcut textures: image and video synthesis using graph cuts
Vivek Kwatra, Arno Schödl, Irfan Essa, Greg Turk, Aaron Bobick ACM SIGGRAPH 2003

Poisson image editing
Patrick Pérez, Michel Gangnet, Andrew Blake ACM SIGGRAPH 2003

2. Image Completion

Fragment-based image completion
Drori, I., Cohen-Or, D., and Yeshurun, H. ACM SIGGRAPH 2003

Image completion with structure propagation
Jian Sun, Lu Yuan, Jiaya Jia, Heung-Yeung Shum ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

3. Image Cutout

Lazy Snapping
Yin Li, Jian Sun, Chi-Keung Tang and Heung-Yeung Shum ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

GrabCut: Interactive Foreground Extraction using Iterated Graph Cuts
C. Rother, V. Kolmogorov, A. Blake ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

4. Image Matting

A Bayesian Approach to Digital Image Matting
Yung-Yu Chuang, Brian Curless, David H. Salesin, and Richard Szeliski IEEE CVPR 2001

Poisson Matting
Jian Sun; Jiaya Jia; Chi-Keung Tang; Heung-Yeung Shum ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

5. Video Cutout

Interactive video cutout
Jue Wang, Pravin Bhat, R. Alex Colburn, Maneesh Agrawala, Michael F. Cohen ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

Video object cut and paste
Yin Li, Jian Sun, Heung-Yeung Shum, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

6. Video Textures

Video textures
Arno Schödl, Richard Szeliski, David H. Salesin, and Irfan Essa, ACM SIGGRAPH 2000

Panoramic video textures
Aseem Agarwala, Ke Colin Zheng, Chris Pal, Maneesh Agrawala, Michael Cohen, Brian Curless, David Salesin, Richard Szeliski, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

7. Real-time Raytracing

RPU: a programmable ray processing unit for realtime ray tracing
Sven Woop, Jörg Schmittler, Philipp Slusallek, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

Soft shadow volumes for ray tracing
Samuli Laine, Timo Aila, Ulf Assarsson, Jaakko Lehtinen, Tomas Akenine-Möller, ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

8. Skinning

Pose Space Deformations: A Unified Approach to Shape Interpolation and Skeleton-Driven Deformation
J. P. Lewis, Matt Cordner and Nickson Fong, ACM SIGGRAPH 2000

Skinning Mesh Animations
Doug L. James and Christopher D. Twigg ACM SIGGRAPH 2005

9. Skinning by Example

Multi-weight enveloping: least-squares approximation techniques for skin animation
Xiaohuan Corina Wang and Cary Phillips, 2002 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics symposium on Computer animation

Building Efficient, Accurate Character Skins from Examples
Alex Mohr and Michael Gleicher, ACM SIGGRAPH 2003

10. Retargetting Animations

Retargetting Motion to New Characters
Michael Gleicher ACM SIGGRAPH 1998.

Deformation Transfer for Triangle Meshes
Robert W. Sumner and Jovan Popovic ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

11. Motion Capture and IK

Motion graphs
Lucas Kovar, Michael Gleicher, Frédéric Pighin ACM SIGGRAPH 2002

Style-Based Inverse Kinematics
Keith Grochow, Steven L. Martin, Aaron Hertzmann, Zoran Popovic ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

12. Control for Smoke Animation

Keyframe Control of Smoke Simulations
Adrien Treuille, Antoine McNamara, Zoran Popovic, Jos Stam ACM SIGGRAPH 2003

Target-driven Smoke Animation
Raanan Fattal and Dani Lischinski ACM SIGGRAPH 2004

13. Control for Liquids and Solids

Taming Liquids for Rapidly Changing Targets
Lin Shi and Yizhou Yu ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation 2005

Directable Animation of Elastic Objects
Ryo Kondo, Takashi Kanai, Ken-ichi Anjyo